Advanced Formulas in Google Sheets

30 free lessons and over 5 hours of information to become an expert on advanced formulas in Google Sheets.

Feel like you hit a plateau when trying to learn Google Sheets? then this course is for you.
Ben teaches how to manipulate data in your spreadsheets in this series of 30 free Google sheet lessons.

This course assumes you have used Google Sheets before and are familiar with the basics. Since it is free, enrol now to see what you can learn from this online course.

Each one of the 30 free lessons is between 5 and 15 minutes long and includes 30 starting templates and 30 solution files.

Why not take the 30-day challenge and study one lesson a day for a month!
The course is free for life so you can watch it time and time again when researching the best ways to handle your data.

The course follows a series of examples that you can follow along at home with your own spreadsheet and become an expert in advanced formulas in Google Sheets in no time.

Enrol for free today.




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30 free lessons and over 5 hours of information to become an expert on advanced formulas in Google Sheets.

Feel like you hit a plateau when trying to learn Google Sheets? then this course is for you.
Ben teaches how to manipulate data in your spreadsheets in this series of 30 free Google sheet lessons.

This course assumes you have used Google Sheets before and are familiar with the basics. Since it is free, enrol now to see what you can learn from this online course.

Each one of the 30 free lessons is between 5 and 15 minutes long and includes 30 starting templates and 30 solution files.

Why not take the 30-day challenge and study one lesson a day for a month!
The course is free for life so you can watch it time and time again when researching the best ways to handle your data.

The course follows a series of examples that you can follow along at home with your own spreadsheet and become an expert in advanced formulas in Google Sheets in no time.

Enrol for free today.




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